Start selling faster with Flexible POS Software

Compatible with any device, ERPNext Point of Sale software is stoner-friendly, extremely flexible, and completely integrated with force for real time stock control. It indeed works both online and offline.

Everything That Your Store Needs

Open Source POS Software
POS Profile

POS Profile

The profile is where you can set defaults similar to price list, storehouse, branch/ position, income account, and payment modes. You can indeed manage which druggies can pierce which POS biographies with a one-click configuration.

Items And Pricing

Set up prices( including selling and buying rates) for your products with different price lists. These price lists can indeed be in different currencies! Just select the right price list, and your item prices will be automatically brought during deals.

Items And Pricing
Quick Stock Balance

Quick Stock Balance

Check stock situations of each branch painlessly. The Quick Stock Balance tool can be used to recoup an item's current stock volume and value — in the specified storehouse, on the specified date. The tool can also be used for stock-taking ( stock checkups) to match the volume of factual stock in stores and stock logged in the POS software.

Multi Store Management

Register new company branches with many clicks and start transacting right down! You can configure confines for each branch and dissect your charges, stock movements, gains and losses to assess your overall profitability. You can also see store-wise profit/ loss and income statements fluently with the account module.

Multi Store Management

Offline POS

You can produce POS checks indeed when you are not connected to the internet. checks created offline will be saved locally in the cybersurfer. You can indeed keep creating a tab if you lose the internet interior. Once an internet connection is available, all offline checks will be synced and pushed to your account.

Offline POS

Promotional Schemes

Make discounts simple. With promotional schemes, you can manage item abatements( grounded on rates or set prices) for different retail parties or branches. Promotional schemes will automatically change the applicable pricing rules.

Promotional Schemes
Configurable Print Formats

Configurable Print Formats

Print Format Builder, you can customize the look and sense of your checks painlessly. Apply your brand ensigns, include images or terms and conditions, add your company address, and so on. Once you set it up and save it as dereliction, you will noway have to worry about it again!

POS Closing Voucher

At the end of the day, it's easy and fast for cashiers to close their POS. Just select the period and enter the collected amounts. However, it's easy to produce a Difference advertisement, If cashiers notice a difference between the system quantum and the factual cash collected.

POS Closing Voucher
Cashier Closing Voucher

Cashier Closing Voucher

Multiple employees may operate your POS at the retail counter throughout the day. Cashier ending validations let cashiers record the deals and details at the end of their shift. also, an accountant or director can collect and census cash to snappily modernize the company checks.

Customer Acquisition & Loyalty Program

Manage your Customers more in no time. It just takes many twinkles to set up fidelity programs and special pricing schemes. You can also maintain credit limits, view receivables and total billing, and dissect average client profit to make informed business opinions.

Open Source POS Software - Customer Acquisition and Loyalty Program